As you well know, one of the aspects that make the difference between a classy hotel and a not so classy one, is the cleanliness it shows. The idea of keeping the spaces impeccable is that the client feels in a place where there is a neat environment. In short, the attention of the users of this hotel is always focused on the condition of the rooms and other places of this lodging.

Actually, it doesn’t matter the type of stay or lodging you offer. It can be a motel, a vacation inn, a spa, a luxury hotel or any other place that receives people to give them a professional service so that they can stay as comfortable as possible. What is essential is that customers have the perception of hygiene that convinces them that they are in the right place. So much so that, a hotel with a beautiful structure and with the necessary amenities, if it looks dirty, it is difficult to be occupied by a number of people seeking refuge in their rooms.

At JH 360 Cleaning we cover the cleaning of your hotel with efficiency, seriousness and security. Therefore, you can be confident that the spaces where your clients who have chosen you to stay for as long as they want will be in an environment where you can breathe cleanliness and experience a totally hygienic place with an aura of pleasant comfort. This is what we offer you so that you can feel the peace of mind of knowing that you are in good hands when it comes to the maintenance of your rooms.

It’s time to put the deep cleaning in the hands of the experts. We provide you with the first class service that will solve a situation that in many cases becomes a headache for hotel managers and owners. That’s why we strive to apply the most appropriate and safe techniques to maintain that high-class ambiance in your leisure and entertainment facilities. We are committed to your goals.

Tired of Unreliable Cleaning Services?

Experience the JH 360 Cleaning difference, where no detail is overlooked and every clean exceeds expectations. Don’t settle for less – ensure your space is handled by the experts.

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Here are some of the advantages you have with JH 360 Cleaning regarding the cleaning of your premises belonging to the hotel you manage:

  • We maintain an effective protocol to develop a plan of conservation and cleanliness in your spaces. This goes from the points of attention, common places such as entrances, green areas, living rooms. Up to the important rooms, where the highest hygiene is required in order to provide comfort and an unsurpassable environment.
  • Because of its condition of operating 24 hours a day and its high traffic of people, the hotels require a special service that allows the management to comply with the cleaning of those rooms. We guarantee cleanliness, including the bathrooms and the entire sleeping area. That’s what we do for you for your peace of mind.
  • For your benefit and the users benefits, we use high quality products that guarantee a complete disinfection and a deep cleaning that you can feel as soon as you enter these environments.
  • We have a supervision system that is in charge of reviewing what has been carried out and correcting in case something goes out of the efficient line of this service.
  • We guarantee that our waste management will be handled properly. Our mission is to improve the environment for our planet. This implies an environmentally friendly treatment.
  • In these times where one or two negative reviews can damage the image of your stay. We put our heart into this cleaning action so that your reputation is maintained and in some cases increased. Avoid incidents that take away your peace of mind by leaving this essential task in our hands.
  • We are experts in doing our job of disinfection and hygiene without interfering with the experience of your guests. That is why we have implemented a way of working that quickly and durably builds a clean environment where a high sense of comfort and security is perceived.
  • In addition to the important rooms, from the moment the guest enters, he/she should feel an impeccable welcoming space. In the same way, in the common areas around the rest areas. In case you have a swimming pool or recreation areas for children, it is vital that they are immaculate.
  • We have mastery of the mechanisms of action to clean and disinfect the different areas such as physical cleaning that is done manually as sweeping, scrubbing with the use of tools and products. Also, with chemicals that are directed to the toilets. This achieves the elimination of dangerous pathogenic microorganisms (microbes, bacteria, fungi and others).
  • At JH 360 Cleaning we are connected to your plans. That’s why we customize the service we provide. That means going to your business and checking in detail your hosting facilities and planning the best way to carry out your cleaning. We are professionals who always provide you with quality and good treatment.

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